The 11-Minute Routines are designed to help get you out of pain, increase your range of motion, improve your flexibility, make you move more efficiently, create stability, and help create a base so you can build a bigger engine. These routines are based on the concepts of Consistently varining your stimulus over time will produce the greatest results.
Every month you will recieve a brand new 11 Minute Routine. In each video, Tim will walk you through each and every exercise so you know how to do them and you will be getting his ques each and every day. in addition to other exercises and tips. These rountines will help you create the foundation in order to build a massive engine and diminish your chances of getting injured.
These rountines are founded on science, they are easy to apply, they are cutting edge science based information, and these exercises can be completed in a very short period of time.
Sign up now and start receiving Tim's valuable coaching every month.
You get access to Tim's proven process. You will get access to every 11-Minute Routine that Tim creates through the online Library of every call so you can listen to them at your convenience.
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